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Competition and fixtures Timetable

We participate in a range of friendly fixtures and participate in all the festivals, competitions and events offered by the Burnley Schools Sports Partnership.

Spring 2025:

21/1/2025- Panathlon- Barden

121/1/2025- Year 2/3 Sportshall Athletics- 4-5pm- Blessed Trinity

4/2/2025- Year 4-6 Speedstack Festival- 10.30-12pm- St Peters Centre

4/2/2025- Year 5/6 Sportshall Athletics- 4-5.30pm- Unity High School

3/3/2025- Year 5/6 Multi-skills Event- 1-3pm- Burnley College

5/3/2025- Year 5/6 Tag Rugby Practice- 4-5.15pm- Blessed Trinity

10/3/2025- Year 3/4 Active 60 Festival- 1-3pm- Praire Sports Village

11/3/2025- Dance Competition- 4-5pm- Life Church

12/3/2025- Year 3/4 OAA Festival- 9.30-11am- Towneley

20/3/2025- Year 3/4 Girls Football Skills Event-Burnley College- 1-3pm

25/3/2025- Year 5/6 Tag Rugby Tournament- Praire Sports Village- 9.30am-12pm