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Year 4



Class Teacher – Mr Crowther

Mrs McNamara

TA – Mrs Collins

Our Bible verse is ‘To love the Lord God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.’ Deuteronomy 6:5.

PE is on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. 

For the first 5 weeks of Autumn 2, on Tuesdays, a coach will be coming to deliver rugby sessions.

Wednesday's P.E will be taken by Mr Crowther. 
Please make sure your child’s PE kit is labelled and in school at the start of each half-term. We will send PE kits home for washing at the end of each half-term.

Homework is due in every Thursday.

Presentation of Homework

  • New page for each piece of homework.
  • Underline date and title using a ruler.
  • Use an eraser for pencil mistake and draw a single line with a ruler through mistakes written in pen.
  • Homework needs to be of the same standard as class work.

Reading books are changed each day.

Our spelling test is every Friday.  Please log on to Spelling Shed for this week’s spellings.


Multiplication Tables Check

The multiplication tables check (MTC) is statutory for all year 4 pupils.  It will be administered within a 2-week period from Monday 3 June 2024.  Please log on to Purple Mash to practise the test.