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Year 6

Year 6 | St. Peter's Primary School

Our teacher is Mr Houghton (with Mrs Knight teaching us on a Wednesday afternoon)

Mrs Birkett and Mr Little also support us with our learning.

‘Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.’ (Matthew 28:19)


P.E is taught Tuesday and  Thursday afternoons and P.E kits can now be kept in school.

Homework is given at the start of each half- term and needs to be completed and handed in every Friday. Spellings will be uploaded to Spelling Shed on Fridays and need to be learned for the following Friday.

If you have any worries, questions or issues, please do not hesitate to pop into school either before or after school to discuss these with us.

Attendance is vital in Year 6. Any learning that is missed is sometimes difficult to catch up with as we have to move at quite a fast pace!!

Our topic this term is: Brilliant Burnley

Please take a look at the Curriculum Overview Spring 1below to see all the learning that will take place this half-term.